Subscribed databases

Subscribed databases

KU subscribes to 29 databases and the University members have access to 27 996 full-text journals and 526 087 ebooks, 95 397 other documents and 59 225 LSD standards. Most databases are subscribed through the Lithuanian Association of Research Libraries (LMBA). The subscription to research databases in 2022-2025 is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science.


Academic Complete (eBRARY)

Multidisciplinary, full-text eBooks from various fields of science (232 818 titles).


Full-text scientific peer-reviewed articles on psychology. Information on general, special, applied, clinical psychology. List of journals (121 titles). 

Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)

Multidisciplinary, full-text articles. Titles listMore…

Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO)

Full-text journals on business, economics, finance, insurance, international business, accounting, etc. Titles listMore…

Clarivate Analytics (CA)

CA provides access to:  

  • Web of Science (WoS) - collection of databases used for the evaluation of scientific publications. It provides bibliographic and citation data of articles, conference proceedings and links to full-text documents. WoS consists of: 
    • Science Citation Index; 
    • Social Sciences Citation Index; 
    • Arts & Humanities Citation Index; 
    • Conference Proceedings Citation Index; 
    • Book Citation Index; 
    • Emerging Sources Citation Index.
  • InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
  • InCites Journals and Higly Cited DataJournal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators.
  • EndNote  - reference tool.

Note: personal registration is required for remote access (at home) and for additional services of  Clarivate Analytics. A personal account is valid if it was created at KU network only. 

eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (EBSCO)


EBSCO eBook Academic Collection

Multidisciplinary, full-text eBooks from various fields of science (246 993 titles). 
EBSCO eBook Accessibility User Guide and FAQ.

Emerald Core eJournals Collection

Full-text journals (175 titles): management, marketing, financial management, auditing, manufacturing; knowledge management; information society; information sciences, information management, information systems, communication sciences. User guides.


Education. Bibliographic database.


Bibliographic database: ecology, environmental protection, global warming, pollution, alternative energy sources, etc. 

Health Source: Consumer Edition (EBSCO)

Full-text articles on health care. Titles list.

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO)

Full-text articles on nursing, health care. Titles list.

eBooks published by Technologija 
(Kaunas University of Technology)

Full-text e-books (72 titles in Lithuanian) from various fields of science: environmental protection, chemistry, labor protection, politics, sociology, economics, management, materials engineering, mechanics, electrical and electrical engineering, electronics, informatics, etc. topics.

eBooks published by Klaipėda University

In the list of subscribed eBooks are included 37 titles published by the KU Publishing House.
Note: eBooks only be read online only, the system does not allow to print or download to a personal computer.

eBooks Vitae Littera 
(Lithuanian University of Health Sciences)

eBooks on health sciences and medicine.

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO)

Multidisciplinary, full-text database. Alphabetical list of titles and list by subject.


Medicine, health sciences. Bibliographical database. Alphabetical list of titles

Newspaper Source (EBSCO)

Full-text articles from regional newspapers. Titles list

OpenDissertations (EBSCO)


Regional Business News (EBSCO)

U.S. business news, reviews, published in 80 magazines and newspapers. Full-text articles. Titles list.

SAGE Journals

Full-text articles on religion, law, communication and information sciences, economics, nursing, health sciences, computers, engineering, education, management, politics, sociology, management and etc. (740 titles). User guide.


Nature and technology sciences, medicine. Access to 2304 full-text journals. User guide.

ScienceDirect eBooks Subject Collection

Full-text eBooks and eBooks series on topics: computing, medicine, nursing, neurology, biochemistry and genetics, biology, physics and astronomy, mathematics, engineering, materials science, environmental protection, geosciences, chemical engineering, chemistry, psychology, business and management, economics and other subjects (1211 titles).


The multidisciplinary database provides bibliographic records of scientific publications as well as citation data, abstracts, links to full-text articles, patents. Read more about Scopus. Lists of included journals and books. Training videos and user support.

Scopus AI

Scopus AI is an intuitive and intelligent search tool informed by generative AI (GenAI) that uses a powerful new proprietary algorithm and rapidly scans Scopus documents from the last two years and clusters them by topic. It provides a summary, a list of foundational documents, concept map and research hypotheses for each identified theme. Scopus  AI suggests the feature Go deeper, highlights the top researchers linked to the query and generate a summary of their work and contributions.  User guide

Springer eBooks Collections

eBooks on technology sciences (264 titles). User guide.

Springer Journals  

Full-text articles on religion, law, communication and information sciences, economics, nursing, health sciences, computers, engineering, education, management, politics, sociology, management, and other topics (2269 titles). User guide.
Taylor& Francis SHH Library and S&T Library Full-text articles in biology, agriculture, food technology, computing, business, finance, economics, education, social work, sports, cultural heritage, art, tourism, medicine, linguistics, literature and etc. (1796 journals).

Teacher Reference Center (EBSCO)

Education, bibliographical database. Titles list.

Wiley Online Library

Full-text articles (1350 journals) in the fields of medicine, science and the environment, physics, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, engineering, computer science, materials science, law, business, psychology, education and more. User guidewebinars.

VilniusTech eBooks

Collection of eBooks published by VilniusTech publishing house Technika. Full-text books in the physical, technological, humanities and social sciences (145 titles in Lithuanian). User guide.

Note: Users wishing to read ebooks offline, needs to download iPublishCentral Reader offline reader. To install the reader on your phone, you need to download the iPublishCentral Reader app from the App store or Google Play. It is recommended for institutional users to download the reader while they are using an institutional network.

VDU eBooks

Čepukienė, V. (2020). Psichologo profesinė etika. Kaunas.

Visible Body Suite

A comprehensive 3D exploration of the life sciences. User guide - Getting Started.
System Requirements for Visible Body Suite.

Note: in order to set up remote access to Visible Body users have create personal account.  It can be done in the KU network only. Please to visit the website of Visible Body and to register there by providing your institutional e-mail address. Your account will be active for 150 days.


Information from the databases may be copied (downloaded to a personal computer or printed out) only for personal research and study purposes and only in small quantities. The transfer of such information to third parties, the re-publishing on internet or the use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

For information on search contact the faculty libraries or the Research Communication Group
(84 Herkaus Manto Street (K5), Room 404),
phone: +370 46 39 87 93, 39 87 92;

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