

Ask a Librarian!

  • Registration and service provision to library users in all the unitsBook lending;
  • Provision of information about all the KU Library services (face-to-face, by phone, online):
  • Consulting on information:
    • how to make search in:
      • KU Virtual Library;
      • KU DSpace-CRIS (KU Research Management System);
      • eLABa (Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library);
      • iBiblioteka (Information Resources of Lithuanian Public Libraries);
      • in subscribed databases, in the resources of open access, and other kinds of information resources;
    • on the bibliographical description of publications and compiling lists of publications.
  • Printing of documents (Faculty Libraries):
    • non-colour printing
      1 A4 – €0,06
      1 A3 – €0,12
    • colour printing
      1 A4 – €0,40
      1 A3 – €0,80
  • )Laminating of documents - Library of Natural Sciences (84 Herkaus Manto Street, V building, Room 319)
    • A4 – €0,80
    • A5 – €0,45
    • 7,5 x 10,5 – €0,40
  • Binding of documents - Library of the Social Sciences and Humanities (5a S. Nėries Street)
    <100 pages – €0,90
    >100 pages – €1,20
  • Introducing users groups to:
    • the information system of the KUL;
    • services provided by the KUL;
    • search of information and data in the subscribed databases and open access resources.