KU has free trial access to Scite (AI) until February 20th.
Scite is designed for the scientific information.
Those who want to test it should create a personal account
- loggin in to Scite https://scite.ai;
- select the link Start free 7 day trial;
- fullfill the registration form. In order to have the trial access you should provide your institutional e-mail address @ku.lt or @edu.ku.lt.
The access will be granted for a month.
On 20th of January 3:00 pm Scite will be presented online.
The event link you will find here: https://ezproxy.biblioteka.ku.lt
More about Scite:
- Scite.ai coverage: https://scite.ai/journals; https://scite.ai/data-and-services
- Scite Short "How To" Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@sciteai/playlists
For inquiries: tel. (+370 46) 398792